BF Branded Stories and Reels


The BuzzFeed Logo

My Role

Creative Video Producer


An animated story created for Lego with kids describing what they want to build.

Board GAME

An animation created for BuzzFeed's board game, "Social Sabotage."

Migos NBA

A BuzzFeed promo created for the NBA featuring the group Migos.

canada 150

Stories and reels made for the BuzzFeed client "Canada 150". Each story directed users to BuzzFeed articles celebrating Canada's 150th birthday.

SYFY to make a costume for your bae

A story that directed people to a tutorial on how to make a comic-con costume for your bae, and the actual tutorial as a story.

Old Navy

An interactive quiz for Old Navy.

7 Jeans

A BuzzFeed story featuring Matt Bower.

ann taylor

A BuzzFeed story for Ann Taylor.